Workshop Detail


The holistic approach to education recognises and emphasizes the importance of Value Education in schools. Through Value education, students develop a secure sense of 'SELF' and tend to become successful and happy members of the global society. Imparting and imbibing values encourages reflective and inspirational attributes and attitudes.As a committed endeavour to promote value based education in schools, CBSE conducted a workshop on Value Education as a part of the Capacity Building Programme on the
11th of February, 2020. Mrs V. Mehrotra and Mrs A. Sharma attended the same from the Junior Wing.

The workshop was a perfect platform for insightful discussions where the resource people, Mrs. Neera Kohli and Dr. Ananthi Jeba Singh brought to light why it has become imperative to impart values to students right from early childhood in the present socio- economic set up.The objective of the workshop was to equip teachers with the vision of CBSE for holistic development which involves building character with calibre. The participant teachers and educators were encouraged to bring a paradigm shift in guiding the child from ‘ME’ to ‘WE’.The need of a changed pedagogy based on inculcating tolerance, empathy, freedom of expression, acceptance towards differences, etc., was suggested. 

Responses and interactions were invited about devising strategies to take forward the values from individual to interpersonal and then infiltrating to the community, thereby nurturing the students to become responsible global citizens. The teachers expressed and shared the various challenges faced while conducting lessons of value education. Dr. Singh and Mrs. Kohli further spoke about the need to make the students aware of how the values will impact their intellectual, social and emotional well-being. They stressed on a value based approach for the whole school as the need of the hour for students to explore, think, reflect and internalize positive values. The need of integration of SDGs was also discussed.
The workshop was a good learning experience as the teachers were exposed to an array of aids and tools like story telling, poetry, etc., to use as strategies for imparting value education in their classes.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 25 Feb 2020 |