Junior School Events Detail


Communication skills form a pivotal part of language proficiency. The ability to engage in meaningful conversations helps students in expressing their opinions, paying attention while listening to others and understanding others’ point of view. The educators of Junior School strive hard to equip students with contextual usage and understanding of the English language by providing them opportunities to hone their skills of expression. Taking yet another step in this direction, as part of the Outreach Programmes this year, students from Classes 1, 2 and 3 ventured out with their questionnaires to the Senior and Middle school buildings to conduct interviews on crucial topics.

The students of class 3, ‘The Water Warriors’, set out to interview our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda about Rain Water Harvesting. They posed questions with much confidence about the Project of Rain Water Harvesting taken up in our school. They were all ears as Brother explained about the decreasing water table and the pressing need of saving every drop. The boys interacted confidently and spoke about their Outreach Programme on water conservation. Brother Miranda was happy to answer the questions of our ‘Crusaders of Environment preservation’.  He later signed a petition on water conservation as well. Brother was surely delighted to have the young men in his office for a memorable interaction.

The boys of Class 2 set out with their questionnaire ready to be addressed by the Senior School Administrator, Mr. Naresh Chopra. Harshit Lohia and Aaron Roy interviewed Mr. Naresh Chopra about his views on the worrying issues of hunger and poverty prevalent in our society. They seeked his opinion about the mid-day meal schemes in schools.

Mr. Chopra was highly impressed with these young boys being the torch bearers of addressing issues of reducing food wastage. The boys also shared with him how they are doing their bit in collecting food items under their Outreach Programme-'Feeding India’. They also drew much inspiration from the way our school is contributing through breakfast schemes on premises for students who aren’t able to take breakfast before coming to school due to limited family resources.

The boys of Class 1 took part in an Animal Welfare Outreach Programme. As part of this programme, they visited an animal shelter and participated in various class activities. Our enthusiastic ‘Animal Protectors’ from Class 1 headed to the big white building and were welcomed with cheery smiles by Mrs. Sheel in her office in Middle School. Being an animal lover herself, Mrs Sheel answered all their questions patiently and encouraged the students’ efforts and dedication in saving and protecting the animals around us. The boys had a fruitful interaction in the Middle School office and garnered full support from Mrs Sheel. They were elated as she assured them that she’s also planning some programmes for animal protection in Middle School in the coming session. With delighted hearts the students headed back to their classes in Junior School.

These interactions and interviews were a promising start that provided our students a platform to engage in meaningful conversation by expressing themselves and gaining confidence.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Feb 2020 |