Junior School Events Detail


“Everyone should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think”. - Steve Jobs

We live in a digital age in which computers and technology are intertwined into our lives. Electronic gadgets like smartphones, tablets, smart TVs and many other hi tech user friendly devices trace their roots to one or the other form of programming. In the current education scenario, imparting skills of coding and programming is not only pertinent to keeping abreast with digitalisation but also essential for encouraging logical thinking.


We at St. Columba’s believe that coding is an essential skill which every young mind should develop. Learning to code teaches how to solve problems and work in different creative ways.


In an effort to develop and hone coding skills in students, a Code Club -’Technocrats’ was formed in the Junior School in the month of July 2019, where 20 students from Class 3 were selected on the basis of their logical thinking skills. These students set out on an exciting journey to learn and enhance various skills of coding and programming on the software-‘Scratch’.

They worked enthusiastically on coding and developing interesting games, stories, etc., over six months.


In order to showcase their talent and all the hard work they engaged in, an event was organized on the 14th of February 2020 in the Junior School computer lab under the able guidance of the computer teachers, Mrs. L. Bhasin and Mrs. P. Arora.


It was a sheer delight to have the parents of these ‘wiz-kids’ enjoy the display of their sons’ technical skills. Much to our elation, our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda engaged in conversations with the students and enjoyed playing the digital games created by them. Mrs. Ritu Nagpal and Mrs. Manu Kalra, the computer teachers of Senior and Middle wing respectively graced the occasion as the judges for the event. The students were thrilled to present a variety of projects like games, presentations and animated stories and were judged on the basis of concept, creativity and presentation.


Our respected Principal, Brother Miranda and our Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal gave away mementoes along with the participation certificates to all the students. They were impressed to see the work of the boys and congratulated every member of the code club for the wonderful display of their coding skills during the event.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Feb 2020 |