KG School Events Detail

Title : ‘SYMPHONY’ - KG - ANNUAL SHOW (2019-2020)

The Kindergarten classes presented their annual show over a period of several days with each class showcasing its talent on a particular day, commencing from 30th Jan, 2020 to 10th Feb, 2020. The themes were varied with welcome dances, an adaptation of the biblical Noah’s Ark, a message of celebrating differences with ‘We Are The World’ and ‘The Story Of Shapes’. Children dressed as people hailing from different parts of the world and even offered their authentic cuisine! It was indeed a labour of love as they highlighted the harmony that is required to appreciate our differences and live in peace.

There were ‘Little Chefs’ at work talking about their mouthwatering creations and impressing one and all with their stage confidence. The ‘Show and Tell’ brought to fore our enthusiastic speakers buzzing with palpable excitement. The fashion show was a stellar event which drew much applause and cheers from the parents! To add to the extravaganza was melodious singing by the children as they proclaimed courage, determination and faith in the divine through their choice of songs.

On the last day, the children zoomed into space with each child as a planet of the Solar System. The show ended with a catchy number, foot tapping music and a dance that enthralled the audience.

Kudos to the kindergartners for presentations that were spectacular with the little performers taking centre stage!

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Feb 2020 |