Workshop Detail


St Columba’s School organized a one day workshop for its staff, with Stefan Hermann, the founder of GenDerations - a non-profit organization.

GenDerations programs are designed to address many of the major problems that trouble modern societies around the world by applying the art of mentoring. Broadly speaking, GenDerations programs empower men and women, girls and boys, to achieve a deeper understanding of themselves and their role as members of society.


This workshop was organized on 25th February 2020. Stefan and his partner Nikhil spoke about social emotional group mentoring which has become the need of the hour.


The focus of the workshop was on how we can be effective mentors in guiding young boys and girls in their transition from adolescence to adulthood. Through an interactive session teachers shared their queries and concerns about discipline in classrooms, emotional needs of our students and how to develop a better connection with our students.


One of the most important learning from the workshop was the concept of FRAP and LAMB in mentorship.


What we should not do is F – Fixing

                                            R – Rescuing

                                            A – Advice

                                            P - Projecting your own experience


What we should do is L – Listen

                                     A – Accept

                                     M – Model

                                     B – Bless


This pilot project introduced in St. Columba’s would not just train our students but would also resource and educate our Adult mentors who would include the teachers and parents.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 02 Mar 2020 |