Outreach Programme Detail


Today our Planet Earth, is under severe threat due to the rapid global warming crisis and shortage of fresh water, a key ingredient that sustains all forms of life!

Natural sources of water are vanishing fast with the ever increasing footprint of mankind covering almost all corners of the globe. The streams, rivers, seas and oceans are fast becoming polluted beyond measure. We are struggling to sustain the rapidly deteriorating water quality due to mass constructions, poor waste management and lack of oversight.

It is with this in mind that ‘Water Warriors’- an Outreach Programme has been initiated with the support of our school’s management in Class 3. 


Our school policy is to sensitize children towards water conversation by teaching them about the uses of water and the need to save water by using it wisely. 


This project aspires to impart knowledge, raise awareness and sensitize students to make the school premises an energy efficient, zero waste zone by conserving water and harvesting rainwater.


Through numerous value based workshops much awareness was generated among students about the scarcity of fresh water resources. Adequate access to safe drinking water is a priority for global development. However, given the challenges of population growth, profligate use and changes in weather patterns due to global warming, many countries, both wealthy and poor are facing water scarcity in the 21st century.

The teachers thus encouraged all the students to do their bit in using water judiciously and minimising wastage. 

During fun filled class activities, the students of Class 3 engaged in making posters, book marks, paper bags, picture cards with slogans, etc. suggesting ways to save water and reduce water pollution. They made a conscious effort to show their solidarity towards those who don’t have access to a bare minimal water supply to sustain their daily life needs. 

A highly insightful session titled ’Developing Water Warriors in schools’ by the NGO, ‘LEAD INDIA‘ was a great success with the students. The aim of this workshop was to nurture, develop and sensitize the new generation of children who can think and act differently thus bringing about a change in their outlook towards saving the environment. The children were shown an educative presentation on the importance of saving water. The workshop familiarised the children on the day to day uses and wastage of water and encouraged creative ways to conserve water on a regular basis through interactive and entertaining ways. An animated presentation captured the attention of the children and they answered questions put forward by the facilitators of the workshop. 

Taking another leap, the students of class 3 conducted a face to face interview with our respected Principal, Brother Miranda on the topic of ‘Water Conservation’ on 13th February, 2020.

The interview gave a strong message on the value of saving water using appropriate techniques already adopted by the school!


This Outreach Programme spread the message about dealing with water crisis which is plaguing various parts of our country and the world. Our children pledged to not waste water and adopt simple ways like taking quick showers, turning off the taps and not leaving them running while brushing their teeth, keeping the tap in a low-flow mode when cleaning hands, etc. Students were encouraged to use the left over water in their bottles to water the plants. 

These days in the Junior School much stress is being laid on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The SDGs aim to conserve and restore the use of terrestrial ecosystems such as forests and wetland. Promoting the sustainable management of forests and halting deforestations is also vital to mitigating the impact of climate change. 

In order to encourage the students’ participation in doing their bit to preserve nature, a newspaper drive was also conducted where all the children were asked to donate newspapers. The collected newspapers were further given to ‘Chetanalya’-an NGO for recycling purposes. 


Our boys further learnt the value of small actions — ‘Even a simple and small effort can make a huge difference!’


The Outreach Programme on water conservation marks yet another step by St. Columba’s in preparing and empowering our students to do their bit in creating a liveable environment for the future which has sustainable water bodies free of pollutants so that our future generations do not have to struggle for this basic necessity of life.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 14 Mar 2020 |