Junior School Events Detail


“With the future at hand, may you continue to pursue excellence... May wisdom and insight guide you, as you strive to build bridges, not walls... Celebrate this achievement and always know a blessing is with you. For the spirit of success is your own!”


Embarking on a journey which began 4 years ago, seeing the little boys blossom before their eyes, no one could have been more proud than the teachers. 


20th of February, 2020 marked a day of celebration and exhilaration for all at the Junior School. It was the day, when the young boys who stepped into Kindergarten-all teary eyed, holding the fingers of their parents, had blossomed into confident young Columbans over the past four years. 


The ceremony started on a solemn note with a prayer song ‘Here I am to Worship’ by the children of Class 3 followed by the Academic March. The proud Class Teachers escorted by the students’ representatives held the ‘Lamps of Knowledge’. These lamps signified education, hope, peace and honesty.


There was a beautiful presentation where the students expressed their heartfelt gratitude to our Honourable Principal, Brother Miranda, the Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal, the teachers and support staff of the Junior School for all the care, love and support they showered upon them over the past four years. 

This affection nurtured them to grow and prepared them to reach out for the stars to make all their dreams come true.


The breathtaking and well synchronised dance performance on a peppy number- ‘I Am Ready To Go’ which followed, drew much applause from the audience. 


One of the biggest learnings for the boys during their years in Junior School was that inspite of all the diversities the children learnt to respect and admire the different religious backgrounds that each one came from. ‘Symbols’ taken from the different religious scriptures like the Candle, the Boomerang, the Moon, the Lotus and the Dove highlighted the significance of the various virtues in relation to the values that each child imbibed here. 

The air echoed with the melodic voices of the students as they presented a ‘Medley of Songs’ with bright smiles on their faces. 


Parents are the pillars of support and guidance for the children and it was their hard work as well which saw their children standing tall, ready to take the next leap forward. Parent representatives of each section of Class 3 shared their nostalgic experiences of the days gone by in Junior School. 

The children too expressed their gratitude towards their parents and teachers by reciting a poignant poem called, ‘Words Of Gratitude, Straight From The Heart’. The recitation touched the heart strings of parents and teachers alike. 

The ‘Valedictory boys’, too took a walk down memory lane by sharing their memories of fun filled and carefree days in school. 

With the children and parents sharing their memories how could the teachers be far behind. The teachers of Class 3 presented their thoughts and stolen moments with the children in a ‘Talk Show’ called ‘Coffee With The Class 3 Teachers’, which was the thoroughly enjoyed by one and all.


The achievements of children were acknowledged by awarding them Merit Certificates. The ceremony culminated with our Honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and the Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal giving their concluding speeches and encouraging the young grads. 

The grand finale of the ceremony was the ‘Graduation Song’ in which all the students of Class 3 bid goodbye, standing proudly at the steps of the Junior School... their eyes set on the Middle School and their hearts beaming with cherished memories of the past four years in the Junior Wing.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 14 Mar 2020 |