Sports & Games Detail


The sporting excellence of our budding sportsmen got a new shot of enthusiasm as the Junior School got its first ever "Multi-Sports Activity Arena" through the dedicated and committed efforts of the Batch of 1979 who were instrumental in raising funds and contributing to the planning and construction of the same.
The following months saw our energetic students engaging in different sports and honing their sporting skills.

Whether it was badminton, football or basket ball, our champion students gave their best shot and displayed grit, stamina and sportsmanship, as they participated in team selections and trials.

During the various inter section matches and events organised for Class 3, it was sheer delight to see the boys sweat it out at the court.

The Multi-Sports Activity Court presented a truly fertile ground in imparting lessons of sportsmanship, fair play and accepting defeat as motivation to prepare for the next game.

Each child who participated in these games and sports events was a winner in his own right, however listed below are the result of the final events.

Inter Section Cricket Tournament Class 3 Junior School

Final Match held on 12-02-2020. Class 3A vs 3C

Class 3C emerged the Winning Team in the 7 overs match. Mhasibeituo Sanchu was declared the Man of the Match. He scored 43 runs.

Sports teacher Mrs Kamla Dubey
Umpire- Mr. Sawoo and Mr. Sumeet

Inter Section Badminton Championship Class 3 Junior School
Final Match held on 24-02-2020
Mhasibeituo Sanchu Class 3C vs Ayaan Mir Syed 3E
Mhasibeituo Sanchu from 3C won the championship.

1st runner up -Ayaan Mir Syed 3E
2nd runner up -Ishitva Rohilla 3A

Inter Section Basketball Championship Class 3 Junior School

Final match - 3D vs 3C
3 D emerged the the winner of the Championship

1st runner up -3C
2nd runner up -3B

Inter Section Football Championship Class 3 Junior School
Final Match held on 04-03-2020
3 E vs 3 D 
3E Winning Champion 
1st runner up- 3D
2nd runner up-3B  

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 26 Mar 2020 |