Workshop Detail


Maria Montessori once said, “Education must not only cater to the cognitive but also the affective needs.”

It is a well-known fact that what is learnt in pleasure is never wasted or forgotten. Inculcating the joy of learning among students is one of the prime motives of a good teacher. With this approach in mind, Mrs Mini Kandhari and Mrs Pooja Guglani from the Junior Wing attended a CBSE capacity building programme titled ‘Happy Classrooms’ on the 27th of February 2020, in Carmel Convent School. 

The workshop began with a soulful hymn, ‘Its a Miracle’. The respected Principal of Carmel Convent School, Sister Tina Maria welcomed the resource person, Mrs Neera Kohli amidst thunderous applause. 

During the first session, the participant teachers, facilitators and Principals of different schools from Delhi ventured into finding out ways on how educators can facilitate in planting seeds of happiness among the students.

Mrs Kohli highlighted how joy and happiness is a far fetched reality in these competent times where stress management is a prime issue starting as early as the primary school. She brought to fore the unparalleled role of a teacher in engaging in mindful relationships and interactions with students to nurture happy, confident and fulfilled human beings. 

The following session focused on ‘How Happy Teachers create Happy Classrooms’. Various topics of self awareness, self-motivation, relationship management and social awareness were discussed through reflective exercises in groups. There was an interactive exchange where the teachers expressed fruitful ways of maintaining and nurturing personal and social competence.

Mrs Kohli suggested a teachers’ toolkit for emotional regulation to monitor various feelings and establish a strong teacher student relationship. She emphasised on reflective practices and adopting an approach of optimism and gratitude as a key to happiness. During the next session the teachers were made aware of the ways which can be used to build and promote happiness in the classroom. With theatrical activities and group exercises, there was a productive exchange about ways to foster happiness in the classroom. Through guided discussions various insights were drawn about ways of promoting engagement by offering children individual choice and harnessing intrinsic motivation.


It was day long memorable workshop which surely infused much enthusiasm among the teachers to take charge of their own well being and happiness thereby inculcating the same in their respective classrooms.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 26 Mar 2020 |