Junior School Events Detail


We, at St. Columba’s, have shown the true spirit of resilience during these times of uncertainty and challenge. Our teachers have put in great effort by bringing their creativity to fore in order to provide E- lessons through blogs so that the teaching learning process can continue despite the pandemic. It is no wonder that teachers don the roles of caregivers, facilitators, mentors, coach and everything they can be to their students. There is, however, one role that even teachers cannot fully fit themselves in—and find the shoes a tad too big to fit—and that is the role of a mother. And even more so, during these difficult times, mothers find themselves having to be ‘Superhumans’ all through the week. 

How aptly this irreplaceable role has been captured by Abraham Lincoln, “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe it to my angel mother.”


To show our love and appreciation for mothers and what they do for their children every day, we celebrated Mother’s Day this year through Music and Elocution. We encouraged our little boys to use their beautiful voices to sing and prepare short ‘Thank You’ messages for their mothers as part of the Elocution and Music Blogs. Boys from classes KG to 3 sent in their videos and audios of their beautiful songs and speeches and we compiled them for everyone to see. Even in this effort, we are quite sure that the mothers played a nudging role in helping them sing, prepare short speeches, say thank you, and even capture the videos and mail them. This year Mother's day has gone digital! We are happy and overwhelmed by the responses from the students and parents alike for their appreciation to the teachers for the beautiful Mother’s Day messages.


So here we are, nurturing and planting the seeds of gratitude in the hearts of our students for their mothers. 


The link for Mother's Day Elocution Activity - Thank you messages: https://youtu.be/w24LWXQRN48  

The link for Mother’s Day songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HUygtgqLZE

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 May 2020 |