Junior School Events Detail

Title : LABOUR DAY - JUNIOR WING (2020-21)

During the lockdown there’s been a greater realisation of the significance of how our helpers help in facilitating our day in school and at home. So keeping our school helpers and home helpers in our prayers, LABOUR DAY was celebrated on the 1st of May with great enthusiasm by the teachers and students of Classes KG to 3.  Online activities were conducted by the teachers to make the young heroes aware of the different kinds of helpers who work and make life worthwhile for us. The students celebrated the occasion by acknowledging the contribution of these people and honouring their hard work with a heartfelt tribute. During the online lessons, the day began with children singing a special prayer to thank and show gratitude towards all helpers and also the COVID warriors like policemen, health workers etc. Videos with special messages were made for our helpers in school. Worksheets were created by teachers for the tiny tots to teach them why “Labour Day” is celebrated. Beautiful songs and videos were shared with children to make them realise how different workers significantly contribute in different fields to make life comfortable and easy for all.  Children took this opportunity to make special cards and posters and shared it with their teachers to be presented to the helpers when the school reopens. Educative and creative Blogs were presented by teachers to highlight the importance of May Day or Labour day. The students prayed for the well being and good health of all the helpers in these trying times and asked God to keep them in his loving care.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 May 2020 |