Special Assembly Detail

Title : SPECIAL ASSEMBLY CLASS 5A ( 2020-21 )



DATE: 22nd July, 2020


The students of class 5A under the guidance of their Class Teacher along with their parents took up the challenging task of conducting the first Online Assembly on the 22nd July 2020 which was a resounding success.


The Theme for the assembly was ‘Nelson Mandela - Inspire change’. This assembly was held to commemorate the legacy of Nelson Mandela and his values through volunteering and community service.


The Online Assembly that was conducted through ‘Google Meet’ was attended by our respected Principal, Headmistress, Coordinator, some teachers of the Middle school and all students of class 5.

The assembly started with describing who was Nelson MandThe students of class 5A under the guidance of their Class Teacher along with their parents took up the challenging task of conducting the first Online Assembly on the 22nd July 2020 which was ela and his achievements and successes were shared with the students accompanied by a prayer song.

It was followed by how Mandela Day is a global call for action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact.

The assembly concluded by calling upon each one of us to be active citizens during this pandemic to get together to start initiatives around to help the people who have been affected by it.

The students left no stone unturned in using the online platform to showcase and present their talent. They yet again proved that there is no stopping in adapting to change and achieving new milestones.


The assembly concluded with inspirational words by our Principal, Brother Miranda, who appreciated the collaborative efforts put in by the students as well as the class teacher.



Report by:

Ms. Sisha Joseph

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Jul 2020 |