Senior School Events Detail

Title : E-TALK SHOW ON AIR POLLUTION ( 2020-21 )

The keen forerunners of SCS in support of a great cause, made the World Environment Day celebrations extra special.


Three students from Senior School participated in an E-Talk Show organized by the Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council (IHW) to showcase the voices, thoughts and opinions of the youth of this nation on Air Pollution. They were given a chance through this platform to inspire others to take action and be the change they want to see in the world for the protection of our planet. After the Covid-19 crisis this call has become even more urgent and we at SCS are keen to be the forerunners in standing up for the cause of our Mother Earth and for the people ‘made poor’ in our world. Ansh Gupta (11A), Suryansh Govind (11A) and Naman Arora (11F) participated in the talk show (which was telecast live on 5th of June, 2020 by sending in their video-speeches. Ansh Gupta (11 A) was nominated to speak on the LIVE E-Show on the topic. All three students demonstrated exemplary creativity in the way they researched the topic. They exhibited great presentation skills through their videos.


The link for the recorded e-show is as follows:

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 05 Aug 2020 |