Special Assembly Detail

Title : ONLINE ASSEMBLY BY 3 E ( 2020-21 )

Time is free, but it’s priceless! You can’t own it, but you can use it!— with these thoughts the students of Class  3E conducted a beautiful assembly on 6th August 2020.

The morning session began online with soothing yoga and meditation exercises to release the stress and look forward to the blessed morning that God has gifted us. 

The ‘Prayer Warriors’  then lead all into the morning prayer followed by a hymn ‘This is the day’.
‘Value of time’ was the theme of the assembly. The students enacted a short skit about a story of two friends. The actors impressed one and all through the interesting presentation. They brought out the essence of punctuality and doing things on time. In the life of a student, it’s time management which is the key, so our boys motivated one and all to adopt this good habit of doing their work and assignments on time. The story ended with the quote by William Shakespeare- “Better three hours too soon than a minute too late”


Mrs Kaushal was all praises for the wonderful message that the boys imparted through the online assembly. She further encouraged the students to follow a time table at home for different activities and complete their work and online assignments on time.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Sep 2020 |