Junior School Events Detail

Title : ONLINE COMPETITIONS ( 2020-21 )

As the saying goes... each grey cloud has a silver lining, so did these times of Online Schooling. During this period, E Learning turned a new chapter in terms of bringing various key schools together on the online platform.

During the past couple of months, our students have been participating in numerous online events and competitions organised by different schools. Not only do these online competitions provide an opportunity to our budding talents, but they also nurture the spirit of putting in the best efforts. These events and competitions have also brought in a lot of exposure and interaction with participants from other schools thereby broadening the horizon of our young boys. Our students have left no stone unturned in preparing and performing to the best of their abilities in events of poetry recitation, storytelling sessions, art and craft, origami, painting and mask making, designing software programmes, etc. 

It has been a joyous journey for the students to prepare online with the assistance and guidance of their teachers supported by their parents. Students have embraced this change wholeheartedly and rather taken this opportunity to further hone their skills and personality.

For any competition or event, participation is the key nevertheless our student, Dylan M Sangma brought in laurels to our school in a mega show organised by 
NEW ERA PUBLIC SCHOOL, where he bagged the 2nd Position in the Event - Twisted Apologues: Tweak A Story – Take Away The Glory –Tell a Fairy Tale with a twist. 

This however is just a tip of the iceberg as behind it lies the hard work of all those students who participated in different events in numerous schools thereby taking a leap to try their best and put their best foot forward. They are also achievers in their own right. 
In Dylan’s words – “These competitions certainly teach us hard work and perseverance. It needed a lot of practice but I am happy that it has helped me gain more confidence.”


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Sep 2020 |