Junior School Events Detail


‘Eat right… BITE BY BITE!’

Celebrating National Nutrition Week 2020

There is considerable truth in the adage 'You are what you eat.’ The state of your body and how well it works depends to a large extent on how appropriately it is nourished. Nutrition plays an important role in the overall development of an individual. 

At St. Columba’s, we believe that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Keeping true to the same thought, the boys of the Junior School in association with the IHW Council, a not for profit organization engaged in the health and wellbeing of human enterprise and existence, participated in a mega Virtual Bharat Nutrition Week 2020, from 1st to 7th September 2020 to mark the “National Nutrition Week!”

The IHW organised a summit that went LIVE on IHW Council’s FB Page. Our students from the Junior School joined this endeavour to spread the message of good health and nutrition.  

The budding artists designed and created beautiful posters, all with thought-provoking messages and slogans.

The brilliant artwork of our boys featured on the Facebook page of IHW Council. This was a profound opportunity for our young students to learn about the importance of eating right and keeping fit and healthy.

The theme for National Nutrition Week 2020, 'Eat Right, Bite by Bite', was creatively highlighted in the colourful posters by our boys. The boys also engaged in creating awareness about health and nutrition. The little “Wellbeing Ambassadors” surely gave an essential message to one and all about the significance of eating a well balanced diet.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 12 Oct 2020 |