Senior School Events Detail


A parent is a teacher at home and a teacher is a parent in school and the child is the centre of our universe.

St. Columba’s School organized a parent orientation via the Zoom platform to communicate the phenomenal achievements of both class 11 and class 12 students as well as to elaborate upon the hard work done by the school to ensure full safety of the students, in case schools re-open. Our principal, Br. E. V. Miranda, recorded a video, wherein he explained every minute detail about the provisions the school had done.

This orientation was a necessary one to generate confidence among the parents about their wards’ safety in the future. Mr. Chopra, the Senior School Administrator, ended the session by motivating the students to attend online classes, while taking part in co-curricular activities.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 12 Nov 2020 |