Special Assembly Detail


Topic- Importance of a FAMILY

On the bright morning of 11th November, 2020, the boys of Class 1C presented the Online Assembly on the topic ‘Family’. The boys depicted the importance of a family through a short skit where a boy dreams of losing his family. Through this interesting presentation the students elaborated about the bond they share with their family members and how families celebrate festivals, anniversaries and other important ceremonies together. The boys spoke about how we, in our families play, pray, learn and look after each other. 

The boys of 1C also brought to light the fact that while living in a family, there are rules and responsibilities that each member has to follow. The value of a family was highlighted even more in context of the pandemic when each one of us had to live together in our respective homes with loving family members. 

The assembly concluded with a lively Online Dance and the ‘Thought for the day’— “A family that prays together, eats together, stays together! So... love your family”.

Mrs Ritu Kaushal, Headmistress of the Junior School was happy to see the children speaking about the importance of a family in our lives. She encouraged them to show love towards all members of their families especially in these times when we are restricted to our homes in the care of our parents and grandparents.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 15 Dec 2020 |