Middle School Events Detail


Our students excel at everything that they do. 

a. Our students participated in carol singing fest 2020 organised by Mont Fort School on 29th December 2020. Abel John, a student from Class V stood Second in this event.

Teacher Coordinator - Mr. Macdonald Samuel

b. The following students have brought laurels to our school by being judged amongst top 5 entries out of 600 students in their respective events that were organized by Gems International School.

Arnav Singhal (class 5C) - Elocution Competition.  
Kabir Chandani (class 8A) & Ronel Jacob Mathew (class 8B) - Blurb Writing Competition 

Teacher coordinator – Mrs. RUCHI Vohra 

c.  Zenik Olympiad was conducted on 28th November 2020. Krish Bansal, Abhijai Chugh, Aryehh Srivastav and Aditya Balaji won laurels for the school - 

Teacher Coordinator – Mrs. Vipin

d. Ishitva Rohilla of class 4-C secured 2nd position in the USO IT QUIZ 

Teacher Coordinator – Mrs. V Watson

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Feb 2021 |