Junior School Events Detail

Title : GRADUATION CEREMONY – CLASS 3 ( 2020-21 )

Graduation is the day to look back upon the schooling journey with fond memories and rejoice in the various milestones achieved. It is also the time to set your eyes on new goals and challenges that lie ahead. 

19th of February, 2021 marked a special day of celebration for all at the Junior School. It was a day to cherish fond memories and embark on a new journey ahead as the Online Graduation Ceremony was organised for the students of Class 3. 

The ceremony started on a solemn and prayerful note when our respected principal Brother Miranda, Mrs. Sheel, Mr. Chopra and Mrs. Kaushal were invited to light candles. The ignited candle flames symbolised the light of knowledge and wisdom. 

This was followed by a prayer for peace with a dedication to the 5 natural elements – thereby expressing gratitude to the Lord. The captivating and breathtaking ‘Natural Elements’ dance performance left all spellbound.  

There was a beautiful presentation where the students expressed their heartfelt gratitude to our Honourable Principal, Brother Miranda, the Junior School Headmistress, Mrs. Ritu Kaushal, the coordinators, the teachers and support staff of the Junior School for all the care, love and support they showered upon them over the past four years. This affection nurtured them, encouraged them to grow and prepared them to reach out for the stars. 

It was endearing to watch the bright smiles on the faces of the students as they sang the song – ‘One year older... one year wiser!’ What followed was a beautiful sharing of messages by the ‘Valedictory Boys’, taking a trip down memory lane by sharing their memories of the fun filled and carefree days in school.  

The boys took the wonderful opportunity to express their gratitude to their loving parents by paying them a poetic ode. The beautiful poem recitation touched the heart strings of the parents and teachers alike. 
The parent representatives of each section of Class 3 also came forward to share their experiences of their son’s Junior School journey. 


Our teachers aren’t known to stay far behind! So finally they took centrestage to narrate the fun experiences of teaching their students over the past two years.

The online ceremony culminated with our Honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and the Headmistress, Mrs. Ritu Kaushal giving their concluding speeches and encouraging the young grads. 

The visuals of the morning ceremony will indeed be fondly etched in the memory of all in the days to come.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 Mar 2021 |