KG School Events Detail

Title : KG PARENTS ORIENTATION ( 2021-22 )

 “Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It is about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life.” – Shakuntala Devi

Starting school is a big step for all children and their families. Parents have a lot of anxieties about their child settling in the new school environment, the rules and regulations which are to be followed, scholastic and co-scholastic activities, new teachers and so on. In order to have a fantastic first experience of school, an ‘Orientation Day’ for the new KG parents was held on the 26th and 30th of March, 2021. 

The parents entered the Edmund Rice Hall with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm. Brother Miranda warmly welcomed the parents with a song ‘The Gift You Are’ by John Denver and engaged them in a heartfulness activity. He introduced the Junior School Headmistress Mrs. Kaushal and coordinator Mrs. Vandana Mehrotra to the parents. 

Our Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal shared some important points to be followed for a smooth teaching learning process. She introduced the KG teachers to the parents and spoke about the commencement of the new session, school timings for the online classes, the parent WhatsApp group, the Google Classroom, the Redox app and the School Website.

She urged the parents to provide a comfortable learning environment and all possible support to the Kindergarten children at home during the Online Classes. She detailed that the child should regularly attend all the classes, turn in all assignments regularly and his attendance should be marked for all online scholastic and co-scholastic classes.  Mrs. Kaushal encouraged the young parents to ensure that the children are ready with the books, notebooks and uniform before the classes begin and advised them to inculcate the habit of punctuality among the tiny tots. Information about an E-diary and E-diary classroom was also given. The importance of netiquette was also shared by Mrs. Kaushal. She motivated the parents to counsel their children to maintain discipline and decorum during the online classes. 

Miss Ratika Malhotra, the Special Educator apprised the parents that the online classes will be conducted through the Google Classroom. She explained how to download the Google Classroom App and join the classes.

This was followed by Mrs. Vandana Mehrotra, KG and Class 1 Coordinator, talking about the core competencies. She expressed that our education should focus on a student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes and its relevance in their real life.  She also shared with the parents about our minimum expectations from a child when he joins the school in subjects like English, Math and Hindi and all that a child will be able to achieve at the end of the year in these subjects.

Mr. Manoj Sharma spoke about the Redox App and explained the online fee payment procedures. He took the parents through a tour of Redox and introduced them to the different facilities which are provided via the mobile application namely reading the articles on class activities, looking at the pictures, CRC, uploading the achievements, etc.
In the end, our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal thanked all the parents. It was surely an informative morning session which set the tone and aspiration of our young Kindergarteners for their first school year.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Apr 2021 |