Middle School Events Detail

Title : THE ART OF STORYTELLING ( 2021-22 )

1. The art of Storytelling 
The universe is made up of stories, not atoms

Our young Columbans participated in an International Storytelling competition and won the following positions:-

Class 4 and 5 

1. Platinum Position -
Rishant Arora (5-E) [INTERNATIONAL]
Avnish Solanki (5-E) [INDIA]
Vibhor Joshi (4-A) [DELHI]

2. Diamond Position -
Kanav Khanna (4-D) [INDIA]

3. Gold Position-
Zenith Gullah (4-A) [INTERNATIONAL]
Krish Bansal (4-A) [INDIA]

Class 6

1. Platinum Position
YashAggarwal (6-A)

2. Diamond Position
Alok Kumar (6-A)
SamraatSharma (6-A)

3.Gold Position
Raghav Sharma (6-A)

4.Silver Position
PuruVerma (6-A)

5.Bronze Position
NaitikDulait (6-A)

Class 7 

1. Gold Position
Kartik Singh (7-A)
Rudra Joshi (7-B)

2. Silver Position
Christopher Kullu(7-A)

Class 9

1. Diamond Position
Avi Sharma (9-E)

Teacher In-Charges - TriptiDobhal, Pallavi Sood, Sushma Gupta, Malini Mathur respectively.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 23 Apr 2021 |