Middle School Events Detail


An interactive session “Connect & Heal” was organized for the parents of classes 4- 10th on June 11th & 12th. The webinar was arranged to uplift the current mental status and also experience sharing, so that all could contribute to each other's journey. The endeavor was to unburden them emotionally, so that they can be part of the child’s life with a fresh mind and energy for this academic session. 

The webinar was conducted in 3 slots:
1. Cl 4,5 & 6 -   7-8 pm
2. Cl 7 & 8    -   5:30-6:30 pm
3. Cl 9 &10   -   7-8 pm

             Approximately 200 parents participated actively. 

1)  Parents shared their experiences and raised a few concerns during the session .
2)  One parent raised the issue of a fee hike this year. According to him, the school should not raise the fee during this tough period.
3)  Overall, it was a wonderful experience to interact with all the active parents.
4)  Parents also liked and welcomed this effort taken from the school's side.

Ms. Sangeeta Tripathi
Ms. Aarti Bardhan
( Middle School counsellors)

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 18 Jun 2021 |