Junior School Events Detail

Title : EARTH DAY CELEBRATIONS ( 2021-2022 )

Earth Day which is celebrated on 22nd April every year throughout the world is a special day for us in the Junior School. This important event was celebrated virtually this year with great enthusiasm and fervour.

The students were made aware about the environment and were sensitized towards protecting and saving the Earth through videos, PPTs, class discussions and hands-on-learning activities.

Our tiny tots of Kindergarten participated in an online craft activity contrasting ‘the Happy and the Sad Earth’. They shared their thoughts on how they can protect our Earth by switching off lights, putting the garbage in the dustbin, etc. Some students even showed their mini gardens to their friends, thus arousing an interest and awareness about how we can all work together to save our planet.

The theme for this year’s Earth day is “The Earth is in my hands” which focuses on different ways to preserve natural resources and keep our Mother Earth safe. Students were made aware of the beauty of our planet by learning about the different colours of the earth. The children discussed the different environmental problems that affect our daily life and the importance of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). The boys brainstormed and gave many suggestions on making small changes in their daily routine that can have a big impact on the environment.

The students of Class 1 engaged in a Paper Pasting craft activity. They prepared beautiful craft depicting the theme of the Earth Day by pasting cut-outs of their hands along with cut-out of the Earth. The message was clear-“Earth is in my hands.”

The students of Class 2 exhibited their support for the wellbeing of our planet as they made interesting crowns titled “I am the Earth’s saviour” and designed beautiful posters. These activities showcased their love and surely spread a word to save Earth. 

Finally, the children of Class 3 made beautiful POP-UP Books to show ways of protecting the Earth. The students took a pledge to become ‘Earth Warriors’ and take care of the planet. They stated points on how to SAVE ENERGY, SAVE WATER, RECYCLE, REDUCE and REUSE things. The POP-UP Books were made creatively and beautifully, highlighting the importance of saving the planet for future generations.

Even in different co scholastic classes like Art, Elocution, Library and Music, various activities to generate awareness for environment protection through art integration were conducted. The students wrote interesting slogans in the Elocution classes and designed beautiful bookmarks in the Library classes. During the Art and Music classes also the theme of safeguarding the Earth was taken up during class activities.

Earth Day definitely inspired us all to act towards protection of the environment and to focus on the need for conservation of our natural resources. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the progress we've made in terms of encouraging our children to do their little bit to show their love and care towards Mother Earth

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Jun 2021 |