Special Assembly Detail


‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’ 

The students of Class 3B presented an Online Morning Assembly on 8th July, 2021 on the topic – ‘The Joy of Giving’. Wearing their PT uniforms and smiley head bands, the boys looked bright and radiant. 

The assembly began with the Lord’s Prayer followed by a beautiful message about ‘The Joy of Giving’. The students focused on the thought that in this world, where things are crumbling down, we can join hands and become givers. The boys highlighted that the happiness that comes with sharing and giving is simply amazing.

The children presented an interesting skit depicting a conversation between two characters and how they discover not to despair as there are joys in little kind deeds. 

Beautiful quotes about the happiness that giving and sharing brings, were presented with colourful placards. 
The rhythmic and well-coordinated dance performance that followed left all highly impressed as the boys grooved to peppy beats of the song ‘Lend a Helping Hand’. 


The students also discussed three new words along with their meanings and sentences which they had learnt from the skit. They used placards to show the words and sentences.

The compere then welcomed the News Reporter from the ‘Kids Channel’ to give an update of the current news which was specially related to kids followed by the ‘Thought of the Day’.

In the end, the compere elaborated on the Ps used in the Assembly. Of the 5 Ps, the boys included 2 – People and Peace. Through this Assembly, the boys gave the message that when we help each other, we discover inner peace and that is the real joy of giving.

Our Headmistress, Mrs. Kaushal applauded the efforts of the boys and encouraged them to connect with their friends even during the online classes. She suggested that it’s truly a joyous experience when we share with our friends.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Jul 2021 |