Special Assembly Detail


GRATITUDE is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul. – Amy Collette
The students of Class 3A conducted the online morning assembly on the bright morning of 24th June ’21. The topic chosen was GRATITUDE. The assembly started with a special prayer for the doctors, patients suffering from Corona, teachers, students, and community at large, followed by scripture readings from the Bible. 


Romans 8:28
In all things God works for the good of those who love Him.
Mathew 22:37


Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. 

The solemn prayer session was followed by an interesting dialogue role-play presentation through which it was highlighted how gratitude improves social harmony. Expressing gratitude induces an environment where everyone is appreciating each other and providing support. Students showed beautiful props like finger puppets, posters, etc. of all the things they were grateful for. The boys expressed their thankfulness for their parents, grandparents, siblings and friends. They also mentioned gratitude for studying in St. Columba’s school and for the relentless efforts of their teachers. In their own little way, they thanked God for blessing them with numerous gifts like their books, toys, etc. 
The students encouraged the listeners to see the positive side of life. They even came up with an idea of a ‘GRATITUDE JAR’ to count their blessings. 


A peppy dance on the hymn ‘Every Move I Make’ was presented by the students followed by a News Reading session.
The assembly was graced by our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda who was all praise for the efforts of the boys and encouraged them to practice gratitude in their daily lives.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 24 Jul 2021 |