Middle School Events Detail


Columbans learning from the life of Nelson Mandela 

18 July marks the Nelson Mandela International Day, celebrated in recognition of Mandela’s dedication to the service of humanity.
On the occasion of International Mandela Day, a special online assembly was conducted by the students of the Middle School to celebrate the ideas of equality on 16th July, 2021.

The purpose of this day is to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s 67 year fight for social justice. The students of class IX-E presented the struggles and achievements of Nelson Mandela in the form of a talk show. A student of class VIII-E also recited a self-composed poem on racial discrimination. 

The essence of Mandela Day is to take action, inspire change and make every day a Mandela day. This is certainly more important now than ever before, especially during these unprecedented times.

The students were encouraged to come forward and help the community by taking small steps like donating their old clothes and stationery through a solemn pledge.

Teacher Coordinator : Ms. Monika Khiani.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 26 Jul 2021 |