Middle School Events Detail

Title : ASSET 2021- 22

ASSET is a skill-based test that measures a student's conceptual understanding and benchmarks the school’s performance at international, national & regional levels with actionable insights through easy-to-understand reports.


AQAD - has been the” Buzz word” at Columba’s for a while now.


Students from classes 3 to 10 took the online ASSET  Tests in English, Maths and Science on the 27th, 28th and 29th July. On the 30th July a retest was arranged for students who were unable to take the test due to net connectivity issues.


In a few days from now, a student will know exactly how well he has fared and  will also get to know the areas he needs to work at.


At St. Columba's  preparation  doesn’t end with the ASSET test as ASSET type Questions continue  to be incorporated in our lessons and worksheets,  Education being an ongoing process.


H. Noronha

M. Mathew

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 07 Aug 2021 |