Middle School Events Detail

Title : SWACCH PARYAVARAN (2016-2017)

Cleanliness holds great importance in our lives because it leads to good health which we all desire and therefore it becomes our duty to keep ourselves as well as our surroundings clean. Members of the eco-club along with group in charge- Mrs. Anjali Pant, understanding the importance of cleanliness undertook the project of creating awareness as to what every person can do to keep themselves as well as their surroundings clean.



The members of the eco-club of class nine went around the middle school taking signatures from teachers and students throughout the month of December. This was done to raise awareness and inform them about the current crisis faced by one and all regarding the environment.



Our efforts weren't restricted within the school as the members of the eco-club of class ten prepared a street play which they displayed at the Promenade Mall in Vasant Kunj on the 12th of February. The people who saw the play, gave an excellent feedback and stated that it was very useful and informative.



The members of the eco-club have been visiting different parts of the Middle School after the senior breaks in order to clean up the mess created by us and our fellow students. We also spread awareness about the need to save water which is essential for the survival of living organisms which we all might be wasting without us noticing, but now we need to put a stop to it. Our efforts have not gone unnoticed and the students have become more cautious and have stopped littering the school considerably.


We love to enjoy our rights but there are certain duties which are needed to be done by us. It is our duty to keep our surroundings clean and the members of the eco-club have been tirelessly spreading awareness about the need to keep our surroundings clean.

The eco-club would like to thank PHD Chamber for helping with the campaign. The combined efforts of the eco-club and the PHD Chamber were appreciated by our Principal. We would like to thank our Principal Br E V Miranda and our Headmistress, Mrs S Sheel for their continuous support and cooperation.


Activity In charge : Mrs Anjali Pant


Play Performed By:-                                                  

  • Madhav Goel 10 A                                                                  
  • Ronin Sunny 10 A                                                                   
  • Derek Raj 10 A                                                                       
  • Mahir 10A                                                                               
  • Saeem Rahim 10 D
  • Sarthak Ahuja 10 A


Swacch Campus led By:-

  • Sam Rajpal 9E
  • Naman Dewan 9E
  • Aasis Katyal 9E


Signature Campaign led By:-

  • Aasis Katyal 9E
  • Raghavv Nayar 9D
  • Rohit Narayan 9C
  • Kuntak Saha 9A
  • John Pious 9E
  • Pravar Dennison 9E
  • Cyrus Monteiro 9E


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 20 Mar 2017 |