Special Assembly Detail


“Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern to the entire human family."

- Pope Benedict XVI
Online morning assemblies are an integral part of learning in Junior School.


These online assemblies not only bring valuable lessons for all but also add to a lot of confidence building and encourage the boys to take centerstage and learn varied concepts.  

The students of class 3D got a wonderful opportunity to present their Class Assembly on the novel topic – THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. 
The assembly started with a warm welcome note and a prayer from The Holy Quran. The difficult yet significant topic of SDGs was simplified and beautifully depicted through an interesting skit. The students explained the need and meaning of the 17 SDGs. The 5 Ps namely – People, Partnerships, Planet, Peace and Prosperity were beautifully elaborated making them easy and simple to understand.


The students were dressed smartly carrying placards and wearing headgear depicting each goal. To make the assembly more vibrant and colourful, a PPT was shown. The students spread the message of doing one’s own little bit to make this world a better place. This was followed by the thought of the day and a melodious song - ‘WE ARE THE WORLD.’

The assembly concluded with the NEWS Headlines of the day including the latest update on the Tokyo Olympics. 
Our respected Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal graced the assembly and encouraged the boys to do their very best to save our planet.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Aug 2021 |