Special Assembly Detail


“Water is critical for sustainable development, including environmental integrity and the alleviation of poverty and hunger, and is indispensable for human health and well-being.” 

-    United Nations
Education and awareness play a huge role in the conservation of water. From reducing waste at home, being mindful of our carbon footprint, and placing issues of water wastage and climate change at the forefront, little steps go a long way. Keeping these points in mind, the students of Class 3C conducted the Online Class Assembly on 3rd August 2021. The theme for the assembly was SAVE WATER - SAVE LIVES, BECOME WATER WARRIORS! – which inspired and motivated our young learners to become aware, create change and SAVE WATER.

The children began the morning by thanking God and seeking His blessing as they started a new day. This was followed by the thought for the day and a beautiful hymn.

A captivating poem was recited reminding everyone to follow COVID safety norms and keeping safe during this pandemic period.

This was followed by a talk on why it has become imperative to save our planet Earth from the various pollutants and how fresh water is becoming scarce as a result of human misuse. The children staged a very interesting and educative play on how water is being polluted and the ways to stop water pollution.

The students brought to fore the important fact that water resources are being massively destroyed since the past few years. As we face global warming and a rising world population, it is very crucial for us to save water as much as possible. The need to conserve and save water is essential, and everyone should be aware of it. It was a powerful message which was aptly brought out in the play.

The boys sang a melodious song urging everyone to join hands in the fight against water pollution. Beautiful and creative posters and placards were displayed during the assembly to emphasize the message of saving water.

The students suggested that to avoid shortage of water, everyone should participate equally and refrain from misusing and over-using water resources whenever and wherever possible. 

The assembly ended with children doing the ‘Surya Namaskar’ and a budding gymnast from 3C showing a few acrobatic feats and enthralling the audience with his performance.

Our Principal Br Miranda commended the children for the meaningful assembly and requested them to follow COVID safety rules and wash their hands regularly. He went on to state that the assembly was like a power house of information on water. He emphasised some points on water conservation and was very happy to see a budding gymnast amongst us. He thanked the children and the class teacher Mrs Rupa Dey for the wonderful assembly.

The Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal also stated that she was fascinated and absolutely glued to the enthralling performance by the boys. She congratulated the boys for the fantastic performance and highlighted that the children must move out of their text books and take part in extracurricular activities for their overall development and growth.



Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Aug 2021 |