Workshop Detail


Mahatma Gandhi once said, - “By education, I mean an all-round drawing of the best in child and man in body, mind and spirit. The primary purpose of education is to create happy, confident and fulfilled human beings who will play a meaningful role in society.”

On 17th July, the staff members of Junior school came together to participate in a Happiness Curriculum workshop facilitated by Mrs. Lovely Brahma, Mrs. Shama Tiwari, Mrs. Anjali Sharma and Ms. Upasna Kamboj

The challenges in the school systems have gone beyond learning standards and academic results. Prolonged exposure to many stressors in the environment at different levels may lead to long term physiological and emotional disturbances among students. 

More importantly in these unprecedented times of a pandemic, a need was felt to not only incorporate the Happiness Curriculum of the Delhi Government but to also adapt and integrate it with our curriculum in school. 

There was an enriching session about various activities that focus on the importance of mindfulness, creating self-awareness and building self-worth. Through a PowerPoint presentation the contents of Happiness Curriculum were discussed in detail and suggestions were invited to integrate various age-appropriate activities in different subjects to promote the social and emotional health of our children. 

The objective of the workshop was to develop a pedagogy to improve the mental well-being of pupils, through critical thinking, problem solving, social-emotional learning and relationship building. 

Much light was thrown on the three components of the "Happiness Triad” – momentary happiness, long term happiness and sustainable happiness. The importance of meditation and learning through stories and activities in Value Education classes was reiterated. 

The teachers surely benefited from the interactive discussions that were aimed to stimulate good mental health, character, resilience and to reduce anxiety, depression, and intolerance among students.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Aug 2021 |