Senior School Events Detail


‘Surveillance - good or bad?’

The Debating Society of St. Columba’s organised an intense series of inter-class debates for students of class 12 in the month of August where all the sections competed with each other to bag the ultimate title. A week-long competition which commenced on 9th August culminated successfully on 16th August.  

Different topics were taken up and intense discussion took place throughout the competition leaving judges awestruck with students’ debating skills. Each team displayed high competitive spirit and gave a tough fight to each other to make their spot in the finals. 12-D and 12-C came face to face for the finals and presented their ardent and factful arguments supporting and opposing the motions of ‘Surveillance is a necessity to maintain order’, respectively. 

The grand finale saw an absolute neck to neck face-off to win the title of the Best Team. Eminent judges, Dr. Debraj Mookerjee, a professor of English at Ramjas College, Delhi University and Mr. Mohd. Abbas Tapadar, a professor of English at Shyamal College, Delhi University, were exceedingly impressed by the arguments put up by both the teams and found the competition to be one of the most well organised and highly spirited competitions they had ever judged.   

After the fervent and focused teams’ presentation, the house was declared open for interjections which were answered by the debaters, to the best of their abilities. The judges declared 12D as the ultimate winner of the competition with Shambhava Sood (12-D) being awarded the Best Speaker and Ibrahim Haneef (12-C) the second-Best Speaker of the competition. Shreyas Aditya Baksi won the Best Interjector. Lastly, the judges voiced their opinions and feedback, followed by Bro. Miranda addressing the audience with his words of wisdom.

Teacher coordinators: Mrs. A. Joseph and Mr. Piyush Emmanuel 

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 28 Aug 2021 |