Special Assembly Detail


Striving to become a better human

One of the lesser-known Muslim festivals is Muharram - probably because it is not a festival in its essential sense of the term. Muharram is the first month of Islamic calendar and its 10th day; called Ashura has its own history. The special assembly on Muharram, conducted on 19th August 2021, had two students of class 8C - Hamdan Hussain Siddiqui and Farhan Ahmed - who discussed various aspects of Muharram in detail for all. This discussion was presented in the form of a telephonic conversation between friends. A video containing verses from the Qur'an and images related to the students' speech, was also shared alongside the conversation. The assembly concluded with the two friends pondering upon the lessons one can learn from Muharram and how each one of us can strive to become a better human, every day.

Teacher in-charge: Ms. Simrah Mehmood

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 29 Aug 2021 |