Special Assembly Detail


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” 
–    Mother Teresa


The students of Class 3-E chose ‘KINDNESS” as the topic of the Morning Online Class Assembly on 31st August 2021.
The assembly commenced with a soulful prayer, followed by a skit based on the theme “Kindness”. Through an interesting enactment, the students brought out the essence of kindness in our daily lives. They spread a message about how love in our hearts and kindness in our actions can spread happiness around us. 


The students presented a melodious song – ‘An act of kindness!’ – showcasing different gentle acts of being kind to family members, friends, animals and plants around us. Beautiful tips on showing kindness to the helpers and the less fortunate ones by sharing our blessings were also depicted. The students urged all to fill their ‘Kindness Buckets’ by doing small deeds of helping others and spreading love and joy.

In recent months there have been many tragedies in our country and around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic, so the children spoke about how we need to show compassion to those affected and help them cope.
An interesting video on ‘Raksha Bandhan’ was shown with the objective to integrate ‘Gender Equality’ and showing respectful behaviour towards all women.


Our Headmistress, Mrs Ritu Kaushal was glad to see the students perform. She encouraged them to show love, respect and kindness towards all by doing a kind deed every day. She motivated them that spreading happiness around is the greatest act of kindness.

Commending the video about Raksha Bandhan, she remarked that siblings are gifts from God and we must care for our brothers and sisters.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 25 Sep 2021 |