Middle School Events Detail


A peek into the joyful Janmashtami festivities

Krishna Janmashtmi was celebrated on 30 August this year. For this auspicious day, a
special assembly was organized by the students of middle school under the able guidance
of Mrs. Srivastava. This assembly included a brief description of the significance of the
birth of Lord Krishna, the symbolic meaning of Janmashtmi and how we celebrate this
joyful festival throughout the country. In Pune and Mumbai, Dahi-haandi; marks the
celebration of Janmashtmi. People visit temples at night and sing hymns and prayers
devoted to Lord Krishna throughout the night. All this was depicted in the assembly through
an informative power point presentation. A speech followed by a beautiful self-


composed poem was recited by a class VIII student. A student of class VI had dressed up
as Lord Krishna and related Geeta- Saar; with the present-day pandemic situation briefing us with how we can focus upon keeping an optimistic approach through this pandemic. The assembly concluded with a graceful dance performance by a student of class VII and his mother on the religious song - 


Teacher in charge: Mrs. A Srivastava.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Sep 2021 |