Junior School Events Detail


“Emotions are not good, bad, right or wrong. The first step to changing our relationship to feelings is to be curious about them and the messages they send to us” - Lane Pederson

World Mental Health Day was observed in the Junior Wing on 11th October 2021. Ms. Nandita Kalra and Ms. Ratika Malhotra organised a much-needed self-reflective session for Junior Wing teachers.

The session was introduced by Ms. Nandita Kalra where she elaborated about the significance of Mental Health Day and the theme for the same in 2021- ‘Inequalities in Mental Health’.  This was followed by an art therapy segment led by Ms. Ratika Malhotra. She walked the teachers through the importance of self-reflection and understanding of emotions especially during the pandemic. The activity started with mindful breathing followed by free hand drawing activity for the teachers to depict various emotions, e.g., anxiety, fear, joy, serenity, jealousy or pride, through art.  There was an interactive discussion about the perception of positive and negative emotions where the teachers participated enthusiastically.

Subsequently Ms Ratika engaged the teachers in a reflection session to ponder over why they think certain emotions are ‘negative’. She pressed on the need for them to reflect on how the emotions that they have labelled ‘negative’ have also positively contributed in their lives. 

The workshop was taken further by Ms. Nandita Kalra in which she explained how emotions are messengers and they exist as communication points of our own bodies and minds. She also reminded all to view their emotions on a spectrum – as excess of any emotion can be unhealthy. She stressed on the importance of connecting with trusted individuals or mental health professionals in case any emotional state becomes prolonged and starts affecting an individual’s functionality in various areas. She encouraged the teachers to relabel their emotions instead of denying or suppressing them. She also discussed the purpose of so-called ‘negative emotions’ in our lives.
Finally, Ms. Ratika Malhotra advised all the teachers to believe in themselves and to think of what is best for them in terms of expressing and making choices for themselves.  


It was indeed a very enriching session which was thoroughly enjoyed by all staff members of the Junior School. This definitely gave the teachers a platform to reflect and take away deep insights about recognising, accepting and expressing their emotions.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Oct 2021 |