Junior School Events Detail


The era of Digital Art Exhibition started last year under the aegis of Mrs. Kaushal, our Junior School Headmistress. Carrying the torch forward this year as well, we organized an Online Art Exhibition for the children to showcase their artistic skills and creativity. 

The art show organized on the 1st and 4th of September, was a fusion of the Visual and the Performing arts which go hand-in-hand in the overall grooming of a child.

The online event began with a beautiful song on Sustainable Development Goals, motivating the children to go for sustainability in all spheres of life. The student representatives from different classes welcomed the guests online taking them through the journey of creative expression, full of varied hues and colours. 
The primary purpose of the Art Show was to depict the integration of art into the curriculum for subjects like Math, Science and languages which was aimed to increase understanding, expression, learning and development of creative problem-solving skills. 


The exhibition which was designed keeping the above ethos in mind, had a beautiful display of the various talents and skills of our students. This included instrumental music, building block activities, culinary art, applied art, sports skills, singing, etc., thereby bringing together an amalgamation of a variety of visual and performing arts.
The online event was graced by our honourable Principal, Brother Miranda, and Junior School Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal. 


The boys presented their marvellous talent in the area of fine arts where they showcased multiple techniques learnt in their classes. Be it blow painting, charcoal sketching, drawing enlarged flowers and landscapes, abstract art, paper craft frogs or the work inspired by Romero Britto, our students left all spellbound.

The art exhibition was a perfect blend of traditional folk art like Lippan Art work with mirrors on one end and the art and style of international artists Joan Miro and Pablo Picasso on the other.

The highlights of this year were the hobbies adopted by children and the ‘Water Warriors’ who worked to spread awareness about water conservation and better use of this scarce resource.

Our respected Principal, Brother Miranda was all praise for the efforts and talents of our budding artists. He motivated them to further participate in competitions and represent our school in different events. He applauded the efforts of the art teacher in conceptualising and organising a beautiful online display of students’ artistic talent.

Mrs Kaushal in her concluding speech appreciated the boys and their art work. She further encouraged the students to follow their talent and scale new heights.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 27 Oct 2021 |