Senior School Events Detail


 Gamers never die, they respawn. 

The Psychology Department of St. Columba's school organised a webinar on analyzing gaming habits and its impact on mental health of adolescents on 22nd October 2021.
Class 11 members of the psychology club presented the report of a Google form survey which was conducted by them and class 12 students discussed the importance of understanding gaming behaviour and its impact on mental health issues. 

Dr Hemika Agarwal, consultant Psychiatrist, associated with Dept. of mental health and behavioural sciences, Fortis Hospital Noida addressed the gathering and discussed how adolescents can maintain a balance between gaming behaviour and daily activities. Lastly, Bro. Miranda shared his words of wisdom with the students and advised them to maintain a balance between online games and other activities.
The students enthusiastically attended the webinar and learned the importance of healthy gaming and mental well-being.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the entire world to a standstill, but one area that has been relatively unaffected during the pandemic is the gaming industry, with user engagement growing considerably during this period.
Research evidence suggests that excessive gaming habits are associated with various psychosocial problems such as lack of sleep, concentration problems, impaired life skills, and poor academic performance among school-going children and adolescents. So, keeping this objective in mind, the Psychology students of class 11th conducted a Google form survey in order to understand  the gaming habits and its impact on social and emotional well-being of class 11th  and 12th students  of St Columba's School . Total 230 senior students participated in this survey and 45.7% boys agreed that pandemic has increased the time they spend on playing games. Majority of the students preferred to play action games and it really helped in interacting with their peer group and combating loneliness. Further finding of the survey also suggests that 10% of total sample population also agreed that they are into excessive online gaming.
This survey was really helpful in understanding the adolescents gaming behaviour, its positive and negative influence on them.

Teacher In-charges: Mrs. Priyam Kapoor and Mr. Sumit Yadav

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 29 Oct 2021 |