Special Assembly Detail


Let’s pledge to go green and stop acting mean!

Our boys spread a word for a green Diwali!


The students of class 2D came together to spread a word about taking a step towards environment protection through an interesting Online Morning Assembly on 26th October 2021.

The boys choose a very relevant theme of saying ‘No’ to crackers during the celebrations in the festive season of Diwali.

The assembly had a soulful start with a prayer where the students praised and thanked God for all His care and blessings.

A short skit followed depicting an interesting presentation on the ill effects of bursting firecrackers during festive occasions. The students highlighted the sad plight of small children who are engaged in factories to manufacture firecrackers and the health hazards they are exposed to while working there. The simple yet thought provoking enactment brought to fore the harmful and dangerous effects that firecrackers pose in terms of noise and sound pollution after the festivities.

The assembly culminated with an inspiring pledge which motivated one and all to commit to celebrating the festivities by lighting lamps and spreading joy and refraining from causing air and noise pollution.

Our Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal who graced the assembly was delighted to see the presentation. She motivated the students to spread a word of saying ‘NO’ to crackers to their family members as well and remarked that little efforts go a long way in making a big difference.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Nov 2021 |