Special Assembly Detail


 “Light is good from whichever lamp it shines, knowledge is good from whatever source it originates”

On the beautiful morning of 2nd November 2021, the students of class 2E came together to ring in the festivities with an interesting assembly on Diwali.

The online assembly began with a vibrant showcasing of the brilliant art and craft work done by the students of 2E.

The boys then sang a soulful prayer song titled – “Jesus loves me with everlasting love” to the beats of a piano and a melodious Hindi song about Diwali that left all enthusiastic and in high spirits.

This was followed by a short play which began with a poetic introduction. The students narrated the story of Ramayana and highlighted the significance of the festival as per cultural traditions. They dressed up in colourful costumes adding to the vibrant celebrations.

The play left all with a beautiful message, integrating the 5P’s of the SDG’s.

The assembly culminated with an energetic dance performance by the budding dancers from class 2E to a foot tapping number, adding to the fun and excitement.

In the end, our Headmistress was invited to share her thoughts with the boys. Mrs. Kaushal appreciated the efforts of the students and their class teacher. She applauded the beautiful integration of 5P’s of SDG’s in the skit and wished all a festive Diwali.

This event motivated our spirits to celebrate the festival with the zeal and enthusiasm and also by keeping ourselves and others safe as we slowly emerge from the pandemic.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Nov 2021 |