Special Assembly Detail


Students at St. Columba’s learn how to protect the Rights of Each Child


“Children do not constitute anyone’s property: they are neither the property of their parents nor even of society. They belong only to their own future freedom” – Mikhail Bakunin

The students of the Middle School put up a special assembly on 20th November to mark the occasion of CHILD RIGHT’S Day to promote awareness on child rights and the need to protect the rights of each child. Students from different grades took part in the online assembly by reciting poems, speeches, action songs and presenting animation film that highlighted the importance of protecting child rights for the benefit and well-being of the future generations. The assembly showcased the various child rights and the importance of the role each child played in the society. It echoed the message of Nelson Mandela, emphasizing the importance of education in eradicating violence.


Teacher In charge: Mrs. Hima Simon

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 30 Nov 2021 |