Junior School Events Detail

Title : ART & CRAFT EXHIBITION (2017-18)

Junior School Art Exhibition


"An ARTIST cannot fail. It is a success just to be one"----Charles Horton Cooley


The annual art exhibition of Junior School actually translated this quote in to reality. The art room and the corridors came alive with a splash of colours. The work of our budding artists was in full splendour as the exhibits unveiled various art forms and skills like Origami and Painting. The imagination and creativity of young Columbans came in full bloom with the display of an array of thematic art works, craft models and collaborative projects using different techniques and media to experience and experiment with colours. The students skilfully explained to the parents , the tedious but engaging process and efforts that went into preparing the art displays. The KG department's earnest efforts of showcasing the innovative articles made out of waste and recycled items was truly eye catching. The seeds sown by tiny hands of KG children saw shoots springing in the vegetable garden.

In the Junior School we can proudly claim that "Creativity is Intelligence having fun. "


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 31 Oct 2017 |