Middle School Events Detail

Title : COLUMBAN SPORTS DAY ( 2021-22 )

The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.

Sports Day is an important event, as it imparts the significance of physical exercise in our life. Physical activity increases metabolism and is good for health. Various innovative games are planned to focus on the development of the gross motor skills and the mental agility of children. Playing a sport regularly keeps children fit forever.

The Middel wing of St. Columba's School celebrated the Virtual Sports Day on 14th December 2021, for Classes 4-10. Our Principal, Brother Miranda, the three Heads – Mr. Chopra, Mrs. Aparajita Pal and Mrs. Kaushal, released the balloons on this occasion. The event was declared open by our Chief Guest, Mr. Mahabali Satpal Singh, who is also known as Guru Satpal. He is a wrestling coach and former wrestler of India. He was a Gold Medalist in 1982 Asian Games and a Bronze medalist in 1974 Asian Games. Today, he is known as the coach of Olympic medal winners Sushil Kumar and Ravi Kumar Dahiya. 

More than 100 students participated in various competitions. Different activities and events were performed in the Sports Day. This included Skipping Rope Jump, Yoga, Flamingo balance and push-ups.

All the winners were awarded a Medal and certificates. The principal encouraged the students to play at least one game. It was a day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish. The principal and the headmistress thanked all the teachers for their cooperation and support.

The programme concluded with the vote of thanks for this successful Virtual Sports Day. The event ended with the singing of the School Anthem.




Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 06 Jan 2022 |