Special Assembly Detail


The students and class teacher of 1B presented their online class assembly with great enthusiasm and joy on 29th November, 2021. 

The theme was our School Motto-'Sapere Aude, Sincere Et Constanter'-Dare to know, sincerely and constantly. The boys showcased how their school motto has inspired them to be true Columbans. 

They presented a melange of thoughts, ideas, and expressions in their virtual class assembly presentation. 
A Class Assembly undoubtedly holds a significant position amongst all the routine activities in school. It’s probably one of the best platforms provided to young minds, boosting their confidence towards public speaking and imbibing a feeling of team spirit in their nascent minds. 


The assembly began with a melodious prayer song followed by the thought for the day. This was followed by an engaging and mesmerizing class performance where the boys truly explained their school motto through their deeds and talents. 

The assembly delivered a strong message that our school motto is an integral part of our lives and we all abide by it. The energy of the performance was contagious and left the audience in awe and appreciation. A parent shared her feelings on the fertile platform further strengthening the parent - teacher bond. 

The assembly was successfully concluded with an inspiring message from an Ex-Columban and singing of the school anthem. 

The assembly was much appreciated by our Headmistress Mrs Ritu Kaushal, coordinators, teachers and parents.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 06 Jan 2022 |