Outreach Programme Detail

Title : 9 IS MINE (2016 - 17)


TIME : 8 AM - 1PM



The students participated in a programme "DRUM OUT POVERTY", organized by Br. Steve Rocha, as part of the NINE IS MINE initiative in collaboration with UNICEF.


Approximately 1100 students from various schools across Delhi converged at The Bal Bhawan to participate and generate awareness about the various goals of the Nine Is Mine campaign and bring into focus the dismal levels of hygiene and sanitation.


All the students were given T-Shirts and Buckets as souvenirs with aims of the programme boldly printed on them. The programme while it entertained also enlightened the students about the plight of their peers in schools in Arunachal Pradesh and across India. The children from Arunachal Pradesh then presented a song and dance. The famous band D- CLUB and the NINE IS MINE participants enthralled the audience with their song, drums, jugglery , unicycles , etc.


The highlight was the synchronized beating of buckets, drums, tin boxes, bins, to......"DRUM OUT POVERTY". A well organized programme which educated as it entertained.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 03 Nov 2016 |