Outreach Programme Detail


Teaching kids to have compassion and empathy for their furry, feathered, and finned friends is vital for preventing cruelty to animals as well as in raising them to respect and treat those who are different from them with kindness.

Children of Class 1, in a week long outreach program on "Being a compassionate citizen", were sensitized towards the condition of animals around us, in our homes, in the zoo, at the farms or in the circus.

Through experiential activities, power point presentations, quiz, interaction with resource people from PETA, assembly practices and worksheets etc, the students of Class1 were encouraged

  •                 to be more compassionate towards animals.
  •                 to treat the animals with love and care.
  •                 not to tease or hurt animals.

Outreach Activities by CLASS 1

"Each and every one of us can make a difference for animals"

With this motto in mind, the boys of Class1 focused on a respective class activity about 'Animal Care'.Students expressed their own ideas about acts, practices and attitudes of kindness towards animals through activities done section wise.

1A boys did a very interesting card making activity with thought provoking messages about animals-'God created animals for us to love them and This Earth belongs to animals too.'

1B boys made very attractive and unique tissue holders with stickers carrying tag lines on animal care .The message was loud and clear-'Chickens are friends not food' and 'Be kind to stray dogs."

1C boys showed their creativity by making eye catching and useful bookmarks with strong animal friendly quotes-'Circus is no fun for animals' and 'I'm kind to animals'.

1D boys made beautiful pen stands using old toothpaste boxes and decorative items with slogans about their feathered friends.--'Birds belong to the sky, not cages'

1E boys went the eco- friendly way and planted saplings in decorative earthen pots so that birds and bees can feed on them. This was their way of showing their love for birds.


Collaboration with the PARENTS

Collaborative and cohesive efforts of teachers and parents lay a strong foundation for instilling positive outlook and inculcating values and empathy in our children.

After one week of outreach programme in classrooms, it was time to join hands with the parents so as to involve them in our school outreach endeavours.

The teachers of class 1 engaged their students in interesting and thought provoking homework activities which involved parent intervention and sensitized them towards animals and their significance in our ecosystem.

Following are different homework activities done by all sections


CLASS 1-A --I love ANIMALS"-Collage making activity


CLASS 1-B -- Feeding stray animals along with their parents.


CLASS 1-C -- Poster making -Love and care for animals.


CLASS 1-D -- Picture pasting and writing about their favourite animals


CLASS 1-E -- Feeding stray animals along with their parents



Short Film Presentation

To inculcate the value of respecting animals, a Short Film Presentation was organised in the school hall by the NGO- 'PETA'. The representatives from PETA, Mr Vivek Jain and Mr Shreyansh Jain gave an engaging talk to young Columbans about 'Animal Abuse' and the pain they are subjected to. They had an interactive session with our children where they shared their valuable experiences and sensitized them about the cruelty done to animals.

The film presentation was followed by an interesting quiz session. The boys participated with full enthusiasm. The questions evoked empathy among the children for animals.


Outreach Class Assembly

To conclude the outreach programme, Class1 came together to present an assembly on 'Being a compassionate citizen" The assembly showcased various activities which were conducted during the week long program to sensitize our children towards animal abuse.

Honourable Principal, Brother Miranda, Miss Grace and Junior School Headmistress Mrs. Kaushal were invited to grace the assembly. Tokens of craft activities done by children were given to the esteemed guests. It was an enriching experience for students of other classes and teachers to witness and be a part of the campaign to save and care for animals.



Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 21 Nov 2017 |