KG School Events Detail


A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles.

Online Morning Assembly by Class KGA

The kindergartners from Class KGA stepped up on stage to present their first ever Online Morning Assembly on the cold morning of 24th January 2022. The assembly began with a soulful prayer by Mrs Neelam Khan who extended gratitude for all blessings bestowed upon us by Lord Almighty. A student read aloud from the Holy Bible, Psalm 146:1 – Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good.    
The theme chosen for the assembly was – There’s always something to be grateful for.

The boys began by thanking the Lord for the love and care of parents, teachers and friends in their lives. The soulful melody – ‘Father, we thank Thee...!’ filled the hearts of the audience with cheer and appreciation. 

The thought for day reminded all to be present in every moment and be thankful for the little joys of life.
The little Columbans stole the hearts of one and all with their adorable presentation in which they delivered the message of harbouring gratitude in our hearts for this beautiful life and the numerous gifts present around us. The students encouraged all to begin their day with positive affirmations and self-belief.
The virtual morning assembly came to a befitting end with words of appreciation by our Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal who put up a big applause to the little ones for the positive thoughts shared through the assembly. She further encouraged them to always be glad and thankful for their families, good health and comfort of their homes especially in these times of a pandemic.


Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Feb 2022 |