Junior School Events Detail


Celebrating National Mathematics Day!

Online Morning Assembly by Class 1E

The students of Class 1E celebrated the National Mathematics Day, December 22 in honour of mathematical genius Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan (1887-1920). The morning online assembly on the 21st December, 2021 celebrated the contributions of this great Indian Mathematician in the field of maths. 

In the words of Srinivasa Iyengar Ramanujan, “An equation means nothing to me unless it expresses a thought of God” so the boys began the assembly with the Edmund Rice Prayer. The interesting enactment, ‘Maths Magic’, that followed started with ‘Mr. Maths Phobia’ who aimed to instil fear and self-doubt among children while dealing with numbers and solving sums. Then a child dressed as Dr Ramanujan came forward to show a day in our lives to make children understand that maths is an integral part of our daily lives. 

The students came up with real life fun situations where we make use of numbers and mathematical calculations in a variety of ways. Later the boys of Class 1E presented a maths exhibition showcasing some interesting maths models. They also correlated maths with various art forms like drawing, singing, dancing, chess, football, pottery, playing musical instruments, etc. An interesting quiz in the end garnered a lot of applause.

The students of 1E were able to stress that mathematics is used at each and every step of our lives and it makes our life easier and less complicated. They highlighted that it is the most novel and powerful creation of the human race. The assembly left an insightful message for all that we, as parents and teachers need to build the interest of children in mathematics at the foundational level itself.

Our Headmistress, Mrs Kaushal was highly impressed with the theme and execution of the assembly. She was glad that the boys showcased the significance of mathematics in our lives in a novel way.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Feb 2022 |