Special Assembly Detail


Another chance for us to get it right

Online Morning Assembly by Class 2B

When we open the notebook of a New Year, its pages are blank and we have to pen words in it ourselves. This book is called ‘opportunity’ and it’s first chapter is the month of January.
The students of Class 2B presented their online assembly on 18th January centred around the topic- “NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS”. The assembly began with a meaningful thought followed by thanking God for this new year. 

Synchronising with the theme - the boys presented their new year resolutions with great enthusiasm. They spoke about a series of amusing interests, hobbies and a variety of tasks they wished to take up in this upcoming year. The students also came up with few undesirable habits that they wanted to get rid of in their virtual class assembly. 
The morning session gave the boys the best platform to showcase their speaking and acting skills through a skit. The students managed to create an atmosphere of good will, filled with positivity and hope. The melodious presentation of the song “We shall overcome” infused all with inspiration. The boys highlighted a beautiful message that we as Columbans dare to achieve things if we make up our minds to implement them.

Culminating the assembly on a spiritual note, the boys read aloud from the Holy Bible – Psalm 20:4 - May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. 
The assembly was much appreciated by our Headmistress Mrs Ritu Kaushal, coordinators, teachers and parents. Mrs Kaushal in her concluding address encouraged the boys to ensure that they dedicatedly follow their resolutions with concrete plans throughout the year.

Posted By : Columbas Admin | Date : 01 Feb 2022 |